Publikācijas 2007. gadā
Raksti RTU zinātnisko rakstu krājumā
1. Bajare, D. , Rozenstrauha, I., Krage, L., Korjakins, A. Investigation of Aluminium Scrap recovery Waste on Purpose to Produce Building Materials. Construction Science. Vol. 8, 2007, pp, 17-24. ISSN 1407-7329.
Publikācijas zinātniskos žurnālos
2. Aronov, D., Chaikina, M., Haddad, J., Karlov, A., Mezinskis, G., Oster, L., Pavlovska, I., Rosenman, G. Electronic states spectroscopy of Hydroxyapatite ceramics. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine. 2007, vol. 18, no. 5, pp. 865-870. eISSN 1573-4838. ISSN 0957-4530
3. Juettner, T., Moertel, H., Svinka, V., Svinka, R. Structure of kaoline-alumina based foam ceramics for high temperature application. Journal of European Ceramic Society. 2007, vol. 27, pp. 1435-1441.
4. Rosenman, G., Aronov, D., Oster, L., Haddad, J., Mezinskis, G., Pavlovska, I., Chaikina, M., Karlov, A. Photoluminescence and surface photovoltage spectroscopy studies of hydroxyapatite nano-Bio-ceramics. Journal of Luminescence. 2007, vol.122–123, pp. 936–938. ISSN 0022-2313.
Raksti pilna teksta konferenču tēžu krājumos
5. Buļa, G., Švinka, R., Švinka, V. Refractory foam ceramics from zirconia, alumina and kaolin – preparation and properties. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of the European Ceramic Society. 2007, pp. 1942-1945. ISBN 3-87264-022-4.